Comedy Classes S7, Star Bharat Show Watch Online

Comedy Classes S7
reality show,
Release date:
05 May 2014
20.77 minutes
30 as of 20th July 2015
Optimystix Entertainment
Nikul C. Desai
Bharti Singh, Krushna Abhishek, Sudesh Lehri, Shakeel Siddiqui, Siddharth Sagar

About Show Comedy Classes S7

reality show, Star Bharat

Comedy Classes S7 is an Indian Show that was first premiered on Star Bharat channel on 05 May 2014. Short name for Comedy Classes S7 is CCS watch online. Its Latest Episode was broadcast on 20 Jul 2015 at Star Bharat channel and was of 20.77 minutes duration.Show is production of Optimystix Entertainment and is directed by Nikul C. Desai . You can watch All Episodes of Comedy Classes S7 Star Bharat Today Episode here in best quality. Mausi's subject matter of the day is 'conflict'. She shows the battle of a shop supplier and a beggar who earn their livelihood at a visitors sign. Later, Mausi shares the war of a servant who is in love with a girl. Krushna plays the servant, at the same time as Bharti performs his love hobby.

Mausi's subject matter of the day is 'conflict'. She shows the battle of a shop supplier and a beggar who earn their livelihood at a visitors sign. Later, Mausi shares the war of a servant who is in love with a girl. Krushna plays the servant, at the same time as Bharti performs his love hobby.